Thursday, September 25, 2008

Note to self

1.  NEVER drink coffee again until you stop breastfeeding.  Not even if the baby books say 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day is fine.  Doesn't matter how tired you are.  Power through it!  You will end up with a cranky, bitterly angry baby who will fall asleep for 2 minutes and then wake up screaming...  This cycle will repeat for hours, until you want to throw yourself out the window.  Don't do it.

2.  Less important, but still potentially embarrassing.  Do not eat dairy!  Not even those Mexican popsicles you love so much.  Not even if you take a lactaid tablet with it.  It will not help.  Your baby will be gassy and uncomfortable, and will fart loudly like a little old man, attracting the attention of everyone around you.  Not to mention the smell... 


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Poor baby and mommy!

Melanie said...
